Let a thousand flowers bloom

Going to share about some of the projects that I have worked on.

Let’s start with a blockquote:

The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

1. Gayeebi Lang

A simple example language built using the Truffle API.

Playing with:

  1. Combined Object-Lambda Architecture
  2. GraalVM
  3. Truffle Language Implementation API

2. ARC Digital Signature

ARC digital signature integration with ethereum network. PoC style project done with w3.js and solidity.

Tech Stack:

Nahiduzzaman Rose
Rezwan Rafiq

3. Laser Guiter

Arduino Project - Microprocessor Lab Project

Example code:

void AudioClass::prepare(int16_t *buffer, int S, int volume){
    uint16_t *ubuffer = (uint16_t*) buffer;
    for (int i=0; i<S; i++) {
        // set volume amplitude (signed multiply)
        buffer[i] = buffer[i] * volume / 1024;
        // convert from signed 16 bit to unsigned 12 bit for DAC.
        ubuffer[i] += 0x8000;
        ubuffer[i] >>= 4;

4. And many more to come ..

Want to work on a project together? Let’s talk.

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